

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Guess When!

Okay so mom is due two weeks!! To make things a little interesting, I'm asking you guys to put in a guess as to when YOU think the baby will come! Jude and Zane were both born a few days past their due dates, so most of us are thinking this baby will follow that pattern. But we want to see what you all think! So comment below with the date and time you vote for.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

It's Getting Real, Yo.

With my mom being in her third trimester now, things are slowing starting to hit me. In a good way of course! The other day, I washed and folded away all the baby clothes we have so far, and filled the dresser/changing table with burp cloths, hats, bibs, blankets, etc. I'd say excited is an understatement. It's been over seven years since we've had an actual baby in the house, and I couldn't be more greatful at the fact that I'll be holding one in my arms in a just a few months! 

People ask how my mom is doing quite often. She won't sugar coat it much. She's nauseous almost all day, headaches are consistent, aaalways hot. Ya know, the usual prego stuff right? But to top it all off, she threw her back out a few weeks ago which makes the whole thing 10x worse to say the least. Bending over and picking things up, lifting heavy weight, stress...she should be avoiding those most. But how do you expect a mother of six to do so? We've been trying to help reduce it all. But she's stubborn and sometimes she just NEEDS to vacuum. Or else. 

We've had just a couple ultrasounds, one to check in on the baby's organs, then a follow up today because there was evidence of an enlarged kidney. But all is well. Sizzly estimates his weight at 3lbs. give or take a pound. Lots of fluid though. Which makes my mom feel like she's carrying a 20 pound human inside. We're just hoping he doesn't break Jude's 10lbs. 1oz. record.. 

Can't wait to meet you baby brother! 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Shopping Already? Why yes. Yes, We Are...

My mom and I went shopping yesterday for baby number 7! My mom picked out the tie onesie, and I of course went with the rock and roll shirt:) Also a pair of skinny jeans (not pictured)....please ignore my hands, we were painting today hah. But we are pretty excited for all the baby stuff once again!

Friday, January 31, 2014

All The Firsts...again

Even though this obviously isn't my mom's first pregnancy, there are still a list of "firsts" that every (well, almost every) glorious pregnancy consists of. For my mom, hers are about 10x worse. With each of us, she got reeeally sick. Since she was 4 weeks along, to the day she delivered. She did get a tad better with Jude and Zane, but I was hands down the worst. Sorry mom. So of course she was already expecting the dreadful illnesses to hit her any day now. Well it hadn't, and she started to worry. I mean there was slight morning sickness starting to occur, but still nothing compared to the past experiences. She had mentioned it to her midwife, Sizzly, just that it was sort of odd. Sizzly asked if she wanted to come in, to assure her everything was fine. My mom agreed, and made an appointment for the next morning. I of course wanted to tag along. I mean, this was after all the first app. I have to admit, I was a liiitle bit nervous. Just cause, well, at this point we really don't even know if there is a baby in there! I mean the only proof is the three pregnancy tests my mom took. Once we got there, my mom and Sizzly (which by the way, was also Kara's midwife) went back to one of the rooms and began going over all the questions and registration stuff. While Jude, Zane, and I sat in the lobby. Finally, my mom called me back. I walked into the room where the ultrasound would take place. My mom wasn't planning on having an ultrasound this early on, but since she was concerned, she felt it was necessary. The placenta was quickly pointed out on the screen, but where was the baby? Sizzly asked my mom if she had any history of fibroid tumors. My mom stated that she had in the past, but didn't know of any currently. I think we both held our breath at that moment. Then, a teeny tiny dot popped up on the screen. "Ahh, there's the little booger!" At that moment, we were all able to breathe. Shortly after, the heartbeat came up on the monitor. "Awww!" That was probably the best part of the whole thing. Sizzly said, "You are officially pregnant!" Whew. Was that a relief! ha. We left there that day with a picture of what will soon be my new sibling. Pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
So why wasn't she sick? Sizzly reassured her that it wasn't anything to worry about. And that, to our comfort, it probably won't get much worse than it is now. We have been eating much healthier and excising, which can play a huge part in the way you feel during these 9 months.

Well, last night the nauseousness increased, and as of right now, she's not feeling so hot. I don't know, maybe we spoke to soon. The mornings are the worst, of course. And all she feels like eating is toast. And tea. So a steady diet of hot tea and bread it is!  

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Big Announcement

I can keep secrets. I mean, it's not easy, but I can. When my mom had opened the idea of having another baby, I just assumed that if she did, I would be clued in.

We were in the kitchen, just a couple weeks after getting back from our vacation in TN. My mom just randomly said, "Oh I took a test. It was negative." I was kind of disappointed, but not that discouraged because I thought it was sort of soon anyway. A couple days later she came to me and said it came back positive! I don't quite remember my reaction, but I know it wasn't that exciting. Of course inside I was, but I just naturally don't show it very well... I said "the announcement needs to be super cool!" and she answered with the already planned out idea she had. She wanted to do it through pictionary, at my upcoming birthday party/family gathering. Then, she told me she wasn't going to tell dad, until the party. So here I was, with some of the most exciting news a person could have, and I had to wait two whole weeks to say anything about it. I have to admit, I came pretty close to spilling it. Since our family is so close, you can imagine how hard it was to keep this big secret. I found myself counting down the days, not because it was my birthday party but because I would finally get to let everyone in on the news. Finally, it was January 19th, a perfect Sunday afternoon. The whole family was over, eating, talking and holding babies. But all I could think about was playing pictionary. Once we began playing, I let almost everyone go before I got up to draw probably the best picture ever. My hands were shaking. I had an idea of what I would draw, but I have no artistry skills whatsoever, so I was a little nervous. But, Tiffany soon yelled out the answer, so I guess I didn't do such a terrible job.

"Mom's pregnant??"
"Oh...that's it?"

The entire room was full of confusion. Nobody got it. I stood there awkwardly silent, not knowing what to do next. "huh?" I pointed to my mom, "yes, MOM'S PREGNANT"

"Nooo..are you serious?" I nodded. "Is this a joke??"

"It's not a joke."

Eventually a light bulb went off. The silence finally broke with laughter and "Oh my goodness!!" My dad's reaction was the best. Just to reassure him, I said "She took a test, I know everything." His reply- "How does that happen?" Everyone started laughing again. "really Guy, do we need to remind you how it works?" He finally laughed a little. But I swear he was in shock for the rest of the day. His face was priceless.

In the end, everyone was excited. And surprised.

And, I have to say, this was probably the bestest birthday present I've ever gotten:)

We can't wait to meet you, number seven! 
your big sister